Disrupting youth unemployment in Malawi

Author: Organising Team, UNLEASH Hack Malawi

UNLEASH Hack Malawi, in partnership with the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) Innovation Hub, brought together 21 young talents for a 2-day hackathon focused on tackling youth unemployment in Malawi.

Youth unemployment in Malawi among individuals aged 18-35 stands at over 20%. This demographic represents more than 30% of the country’s population. Within this context, youth in Malawi came together on October 4 and 5, 2024, to addressing the pressing issue of youth unemployment. The program provided a platform for them to co-create innovative solutions targeting the challenges of poverty and inequality tied to youth unemployment, focusing on SDGs 1 (no poverty), 8 (decent work and economic growth), and 10 (reduced inequalities).

“I loved the experience at UNLEASH because it allowed me to think outside the box by breaking an idea down step by step instead of rushing to a solution,” said Doreen Kaunda –a Talent at the Hack – in an interview with a local TV channel and newspaper.

Over the 2 days, teams worked intensively through the innovation process, ultimately presenting five solutions to a panel of four judges. SkillzConnect, Team Mkango, and Team Luso emerged as the top three teams. The solutions ranged from platforms integrating online learning with community-driven projects, as well as providing mentorship for aspiring entrepreneurs to initiatives using social media to encourage youth participation in agriculture.

This program received support from local partners including STATUS, Qubix Robotics, Maestros Designs, Re:Imagine, Rydberg Starck Limited, the Department of Innovations & Creativity under the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC), and Muuni Fund.